Monday, July 26, 2010

Unexpected Visitors

I am blogging. That means I am allowing my words to escape me.

Already, I have typed and deleted my intro. I am way over thinking this.

What's funny is that I used to have a good friend that I joked about this with. Typing and If you are a Facebook member, you will know what I am talking about. If you are chatting with someone and you see the little "typing" bubble and then the bubble turns to a green circle, you know that the person you are chatting with is deleting what they wrote. It drives me CRAZY. Just be honest right? Spit it out! (I am SUCH a hypocrite!!!!) Anyway, we decided to coin the phrase "Live and Die by the Bubble". So relevant.

Anyway, just a forethought here...Why is it so hard to just say what you mean to say? John Mayer, you should write a song about that. I think it would be a big hit. Just sayin.

So, I will open this blog of mine with a few thoughts and then I will decide if I should continue with this new venture.

1: I just saw a Mirena commercial about birth control. (Random opening to a Blog, I know)...Anyway, in the commercial the lady says "I am not ready for another kid.....For now"

This brings me to topic #1. Zane. He was born 7 weeks ago. He wasn't planned. I had the Mirena IUD for 4 years. (If you don't care about my reproduction, close the blog now) I was sick and the Dr found that the Mirena IUD had implanted into my uterine wall. The Dr took the IUD out. I got pregnant the next day. OK fine, it was like a couple of months later. But that's neither here nor there...My point? I am fertile.
(Sidenote: This isn't to be taken lightly. I truly mean that. I realize that this is a gift. I am blessed and grateful for things unplanned. Unexpected visitors if you will. But I never decided whether or not I wanted another baby.)
Jump back to today. Zane is 7 weeks old. He's growing way too fast. I might want another one.

B: Friendships. This year has been a hard one for me. I have lost friends. I'm 37. I am established. I am unstable, but still, I am established in this world. Yet I managed to offend and lose friends. Do you even know how much that sucks? Google it. It does suck.
Anyway, I was randomly going about my business, and BAM (EMERIL EMPHASIS), someone said that they wanted to be my new BFF2. Here I am. 37. Making new friends. Unexpected new friends. And to boot, this girl, this person I have known for 5 whole minutes, makes me want to re-discover me. She makes me laugh. She makes me want to BLOG. If you know me, you know that NOBODY makes me do anything. I am more stubborn than a mule. I'd win. Seriously.

Anyway, this unexpected friend is so inspiring as a matter of fact, that I created this very blog because of her. I don't even know what her favorite color is or where she went to college. But I do know this. She loves the Lord and she makes me want to be a better person. That is the kind of friendship that God knew we needed before we asked. He's a righteous dude I say.

Speaking of God, I just have to say this. I don't know what I am doing from one minute to the next. I don't know why I am writing a blog. I don't know why God blessed me with this amazing child that I am nursing at this very minute while I am typing. I don't know why God allowed me to meet (well actually I haven't met her) this random stranger who has inspired me. I don't know much of anything. But I do know this:

You'd better know that in the end
Its better to say too much
Then never say what you need to say

Say what you need to say. Or start a blog.

Oh, and thank God for Unexpected Visitors. You never know how they will change your life. Amen???


  1. Nice... keep it up! I started one of these a few years ago and am still trying to get my opening down!!

  2. Girl, you blessed my socks off!
    It must be something about being 37 because I had told God I was all set. I didn't need any new friends. He knew differently. The last five years have brought me some of the people that I will grow old with and some of the ones I thought would be forever have slipped away. I think that is just the way He plans things.
    By the way, I went to college forever and wound up at nursing school. My favorite color is pink but I can't wear it much because I am a red head so I stick with brown. Love all things brown.
    PS just blog. You never know when someone will need what God has given you. And smooch Zac for me. I'm practically an aunt for crying out loud! LOL!
